
National Cathedral


A Slap in Jimmy Carter’s Face?

The Episcopal Church USA has long prided itself as hosting the venue for state occasions at its so-called National Cathedral in Washington D.C. The National Cathedral is a large building in the gothic style which was built over the course of decades with much fund-raising done by that denomination nation-wide. Begun in 1907, the Cathedral is actually dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul, but…
David McCallister
January 6, 2025

The Night of Replaced Glass

This week, new stained-glass windows at the National Cathedral of the United States were unveiled. Were these new windows a testament to the saving power of Jesus Christ? Did these windows proclaim peace? Did they show Elijah carried into the clouds, or John the Baptist in the river? Not at all. These four new windows proudly proclaim NO and FOUL…
Sara Sass
October 3, 2023