I have lived for more than half a century in a region of Lexington County, South Carolina, known as “the Dutch Fork.” So called because it was settled in the early 1700s by German (Deutsch) farmers looking for good soil. “Fork” because it  begins  in the fork of the Broad and Saluda rivers.

The original settler families are still there, although since the 1970s they have suffered the overflow  of suburbanites from Columbia. The once country village of Chapin is significant in the area. A friend recently gave me a book: No Ordinary Lives: The Life and Times of Chapin Area World War II Veterans, published in 2011 when many veterans were still with us.

The book covers the lives and military service of more than 70 men and some women. Most of these were under fire on land, sea or in the air in every theatre. Some did not come back. Their names represent colonial families who had lived on and from the land of the Dutch Fork for two centuries before World War II.

These are the “deplorables,” the yahoos who have guns and Bibles, according to such international sophisticates as Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama.

The biographies show an interesting similarity. In the 1930s most of these veterans grew up in family-built homes without electricity, plumbing or central heating. They were farmers, self-sufficient in food with usually a little surplus to sell along with cotton and timber for some hard money to buy a few luxuries like coffee. Education was valued but took second place to hard farm labour, from before dawn to dusk. No tractors: plowing with mules. Classic Southern yeomen families.

Neighbourly collegiality and cooperation was a prevailing theme.  Serious crime was almost unknown. Families were intermarried and friendly cousinship was a norm.

All had guns for hunting a little meat and all were faithful members of country Lutheran churches. Nobody had ever heard of divorce, and interestingly, families were often of 8-10 children. And many of these veterans in later life had dozens or more grandchildren and great-grandchildren and uncountable nieces and nephews.

These people were all faithful Christians who had an unquestioning love for the United States and sense of duty towards their country because they believed it was theirs. Along with other rural Americans they were perfect cannon fodder for the elites.  They were ready to serve their country in its time of need–facing hardship and danger while Ivy Leaguers enjoyed their Washington offices. Some combat veterans were recalled for the Korean War and put in danger again.

This is what Americans used to be, not so long ago. Southerners were a willing and  valued part of the whole, innocent of any knowledge of the malicious campaign against them initiated by the elites even while they were in harm’s way. It is reported that the plain folk are no longer joining the  armed forces as readily as they used to. Our technically and bureaucratically muscle-bound and “diverse” forces do not have a strong record in our elite’s recent filibusters overseas. They are stupid and vain enough to think they can control the world.

Clyde Wilson

Clyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina where he was the editor of the multivolume The Papers of John C. Calhoun. He is the M.E. Bradford Distinguished Chair at the Abbeville Institute. He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews and is co-publisher of www.shotwellpublishing.com, a source  for unreconstructed Southern books.


  • C9 stotte says:

    Fantastic article

  • Paul Yarbrough says:

    “These are the ‘deplorables,’ the yahoos who have guns and Bibles, according to such international sophisticates as Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama.”
    After the Greek meaning of the word “sophist” (ergo “sophisticates”) faded (wise men) the word since had taken on an opposite meaning: “liar.” Hillary and Barack liars? Get out of town!
    Thanks for the article Dr. Wilson.

  • Robert says:

    These were a sturdy people. Undoubtedly good neighbors too. Their heroes were worthy of admiration and in many instances, their earnest imitation. It’s a shame to see their memory deconstructed, their thoughts trivialized and their valorous efforts toward the good life ridiculed. Health, happiness and plenty was more present in their poor farms than the squalor in the hearts of their detractors.

  • Charles Byrd says:

    I was fortunate to have been born into that kind of family. My dad and his brother were both in the Army in WWII. My grandfather was born 20 years after Gettysburg. I worked in the early ’50’s beside descendants of slaves, some carried our last name. Each year we were sent to our grandparents in North Carolina to work in the tobacco fields on what was originally a 5,000 acre plantation. A distant gr-gr-grandfather was nursed by a young slave for 2-1/2 years. She slept in the same bed as his mother as was common in those years, until the baby was weaned. She lived with my family until she was 105, outliving 2 husbands and all her children. The Blessed lady is buried in our family cemetery. As a young boy growing up among the descendants of slaves, I quickly learned to almost revere those ancient souls and was taught to respect them at all times. What they had on their plate in life, no one today could endure. But hate was not in their character, they were kind & giving to my grand parents and spoiled this little boy from the city. Sometimes with words, sometimes with stories but always with a twinkle in their eye; as if to say ‘it’s the truth.’ Kindness was simply given and respect was my duty to them.

  • Bob O'Dwyer says:

    Author and article are “spot-on”

  • Lynda Rutenkroger says:

    Some of my ancestors settled into the Dutch Fork area upon arriving here from Germany. Among those ancestors were many who served in the American Revolution and later in the War of Northern Aggression. Matthias Quattlebaum was a miller who donated flour. His wife, Rachel Derrin donated horses. I am a proud member of the Daughters of the American Revolution thanks to their efforts and that of many others in my ancestral family.

  • Barbara says:

    With the new antisemitic laws being passed it seems clear that they are getting ready to wage war on Christianity just like they did in Russia and other Soviet states. Ben Shapiro has stated that the phrase “Christ is King” is antisemitic so the forces are gathering. The Christians today enthrone the Jew and practice political correctness rather than godliness so there probably won’t be any push-back and Christianity will die along with our civilization under the New World Order.

  • Joyce says:

    My two GG grandfathers fought for the South, my father was wounded at Normandy, my Cousin “Bunky” died in Korea, my brother survived Viet Nam though not unscathed. Ever since the South lost that first war, her young men have been bearing the burden of the Union’s foreign entanglements. Now I worry about my grandson, a lanky, tough country boy who lives to hunt and to fix up old cars and trucks. The Yankee Empire is itching to send him and those like him, not to the Border, but to Ukraine.

  • William Quinton Platt III says:

    Contraception is a curse upon the land. The Pill is responsible for all the pink ribbons…and all the missing children.

    Go forth and multiply. The first Commandment in the Bible.

  • T Jeffers says:

    As John allegro points out quite clearly in his masterpiece “The sacred Mushroom and the cross”, there are two fundamental things that every civilization must produce to survive – food and children.

  • Jake Stone says:

    Professor Wilson, with this article, has hit the proverbial nail squarely on it’s head!
    I’m so proud to know he teaches today’s students!

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