
1607 Project

1607 ProjectBlogMedia Posts

Virginia First: The 1607 Project

Over the past five years, historians, journalists, and political activists have crafted seemingly conflicting narratives about the American founding. They are "seemingly conflicting" because all three center on the "proposition nation myth" of American history. According to this account, the United States was founded on the idea that all men (and women) were created equal. The "idea of equality" forms…
Brion McClanahan
June 24, 2024
1607 Project

Looking for Mr. Jefferson

A cynical but true saying that sometimes passes around among historians is “He Who Controls the Present Controls the Past.”  Man is a symbolizing creature and political struggles can be as much over symbols as over tangible things.  Those who hold power and those who seek power want to associate themselves with favourable symbols from their society’s past.  It gives…
Clyde Wilson
October 24, 2022
1607 Project

Virgina First

I. THE name First given to the territory occupied by the present United States was Virginia. It was bestowed upon the Country by Elizabeth, greatest of English queens. The United States of America are mere words of description. They are not a name. The rightful and historic name of this great Republic is “Virginia.” We must get back to it,…
Lyon G. Tyler
October 24, 2022