
Media Posts

1607 ProjectBlogMedia Posts

Virginia First: The 1607 Project

Over the past five years, historians, journalists, and political activists have crafted seemingly conflicting narratives about the American founding. They are "seemingly conflicting" because all three center on the "proposition nation myth" of American history. According to this account, the United States was founded on the idea that all men (and women) were created equal. The "idea of equality" forms…
Brion McClanahan
June 24, 2024
BlogMedia Posts

Loving a Home

Carey Roberts on "Loving Home" and the Southern Tradition from the 2022 Abbeville Institute Summer School, July 5-8, 2022, Seabrook Island, SC
Carey Roberts
March 10, 2023
BlogMedia Posts

The Arlington Confederate Monument

The Naming Commission has recommended the removal of the Arlington Confederate Monument. This would not only be a historical travesty and a barbaric leveling of art, it would lay waste to the very message the monument was intended to convey: fraternity, healing, and reconciliation. Tell your Representative you want to stop this heinous act of cultural destruction.
Abbeville Institute
November 9, 2022
BlogMedia Posts

Big Bang Blues

Tom Daniel discusses blues music, from the 2022 Abbeville Institute Summer School at Seabrook Island, SC, July 5-8, 2022 Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Abbeville Institute.
Tom Daniel
September 29, 2022
BlogMedia Posts

The Southern Constitutional Tradition

Brion McClanahan discusses the Southern constitutional tradition, from the 2022 Abbeville Institute Summer School at Seabrook Island, SC, July 5-8, 2022 Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Abbeville Institute.
Abbeville Institute
September 20, 2022
BlogConferencesMedia Posts

Loving Home

Loving Home by Carey Roberts from the 2022 Abbeville Institute Summer School, July 5-8, 2022 at Seabrook Island, SC Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Abbeville Institute.
Carey Roberts
September 9, 2022
Media Posts

The Army of the Dead

Author Barbara Marthal discusses her Southern heritage through stories and song at the October 2015 Abbeville Institute Conference in Stone Mountain, GA.
Barbara Marthal
January 3, 2016
Media Posts

The Old South and the New South

Brion McClanahan discusses the continuity between the Old South and the New South and the Jeffersonian understanding of the War for Southern Independence at the October 2015 Conference in Stone Mountain, GA.
Brion McClanahan
January 3, 2016
Media Posts

The Confederate Rule of Law

Marshall DeRosa on "The Confederate Rule of Law: An American Patrimony Worth Fighting For, Then and Now," from the October 2015 Abbeville Institute Conference in Stone Mountain, GA.
Marshall DeRosa
December 31, 2015
Media Posts

Jefferson vs. Lincoln

This two part lecture by Abbeville Institute founder Don Livingston concentrates on the dichotomy between Thomas Jefferson's conception of Union and Abraham Lincoln's "national" argument.
Donald Livingston
April 3, 2014
Media Posts

Audio: Lecture Test A Download mp3 You can have some summary text about this lecture here. The .mp3 url can just be added directly to the WP content field just like this text and it will automatically convert it to the audio player. If you want to add a direct link to the mp3 you can do that as well. Also, I assume…
Brion McClanahan
January 1, 1970