
There is life in the old land of Dixie yet. There seems to be no end of talent and knowledge coming forth in our defense against the South-hating jihadists who seem to dominate the American scene these days.   Valiant and wise people continue the daunting task of educating our fellow citizens about the truth of American history.

The end of August saw the appearance of two extremely important contributions to the battle: the film Searching for Lincoln and a reader entitled Understanding the War Between the States.

Searching for Lincoln cannot be praised too highly. It is a compendium of suppressed truth that the world has long been waiting for, skillfully produced and perfectly on target. It takes as its mission the correction of the multiple falsehoods of “what everybody knows” about Honest Abe and his role in history. There is a temperate, pictorial, and hard-hitting review of the real as opposed to the fantasy Lincoln in such matters as race, slavery, the Constitution, economic motives, war on civilians, POWs, and much else.   Perhaps the greatest points of emphasis are two neglected truths: 1) Lincoln did not wage war to save the Union or the Constitution. He waged war to preserve government power. 2) He is  responsible for the dangerously unlimited regime under which we suffer today. Until Americans understand that and free themselves from Lincoln worship we will continue in subjection.

Searching for Lincoln is almost entirely a Northern production, created by Eugene and Dete McGowan. Well-known Southern defenders participated in the creation, including Professor Thomas DiLorenzo and the brave doyenne of Copperheads, Mrs. Valerie Protopapas of New York. The DVD and a downloadable version can be obtained at

Understanding the War Between the States is an 80-page reader edited by Howard Ray White, author of Bloodstains, and Yours Truly. It was first intended for bright secondary students but is highly useful and readable for everybody. Some 16 writers cover American history from Jamestown to Grover Cleveland, presenting a dense array of truths about the conflict of North and South through that period of history. Among much else, it is made clear, chapter and verse, that the great conflict of the 19th century was a product of Northern aggression. No one who possesses this work will ever lack material to win any argument. The booklet may be downloaded for free on, accessed on Kindle, or purchased in paperback at cost. Besides White and Wilson, the writers include Joyce Bennett, William Cawthon, Paul C. Graham, Gail Jarvis, Karen Stokes, Joseph Stromberg, Egon Tausch, H.V. Traywick, and others. This is truly a great achievement (if I do say so myself).   It is available cheaply and intended for the widest possible distribution.

Get copies of these for your children and grandchildren and anyone else you know who is suffering through a current educational institution at any level.   Perfect Christmas presents for friends and relatives.

Clyde Wilson

Clyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina where he was the editor of the multivolume The Papers of John C. Calhoun. He is the M.E. Bradford Distinguished Chair at the Abbeville Institute. He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews and is co-publisher of, a source  for unreconstructed Southern books.

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